Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Open (26-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1269.0 60.04% Eva Berger - Tony Berger (1)0.24
2263.0 58.71% Kevin Steffensen - Carolyn Miller (5)0.17
3230.0 51.34% Heather Reid - Janice Palm (4)0.12
4227.0 50.67% Larraine De Nett - Delma Purcell (2)0.08
5221.0 49.33% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (7) 
6206.0 45.98% John Glennie - Merle Bogatie (6) 
7200.0 44.64% Stella Jansen - Dale Wells (8) 
8176.0 39.29% Sue Herse - Odette Hall (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1277.0 61.83% David Smith - Sue Smith (1)0.24
2244.0 54.46% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (7)0.17
3221.0 49.33% Daria Williams - David Grout (4)0.12
4220.0 49.11% Derick Coppack - Penny Johnson (8)0.04
4220.0 49.11% Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai (6)0.04
6218.0 48.66% Charlotte Harrison - John Harrison (5) 
7213.0 47.54% Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar (3) 
8179.0 39.96% Ruth Young - Kay Simpson (2) 

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