Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Peter Leden Birthday Handicap - Restricted - Week 1 (15-Feb-25)
North-South: 1st Kevin Gosling - Angela Van Daal; 2nd Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes;
East-West: 1st Margaret Lovell - Judy Stephens; 2nd Sue Howard - Helen Cunynghame;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1240.0 71.43% Kevin Gosling - Angela Van Daal (3)0.21
2193.0 57.44% Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes (2)0.15
3158.0 47.02% Alan Harding - Nancy Wicks (6)0.11
4156.0 46.43% David Lewis - Anne Zuscak (7) 
5153.0 45.54% Diane Perry - Miryana Djilas (4) 
6146.0 43.45% Drazel Pincus - Kevin Hall (1) 
7130.0 38.69% Wendy Drysdale - Janelle Burton (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1254.0 75.60% Margaret Lovell - Judy Stephens (3)0.21
2188.0 55.95% Sue Howard - Helen Cunynghame (4)0.15
3171.0 50.89% Deb Roots - Karen Curtis (2)0.11
4166.0 49.40% Lexie Yeates - Debbie Foot (1) 
5149.0 44.35% Gordon Stone - Gaynor Kearney (5) 
6136.0 40.48% Jenny Bennett - Campbell Johnson (6) 
7112.0 33.33% Lynne Rau - Lynda Hall (7) 

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