Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Open (19-Feb-25)
1st Kevin Steffensen - Carolyn Miller; 2nd Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1200.2 66.74% Kevin Steffensen - Carolyn Miller (7)0.42
2172.0 57.33% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (14)0.29
3161.6 53.85% Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons (1)0.21
4160.8 53.60% Merle Bogatie - John Glennie (4)0.14
5157.3 52.44% Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai (6)0.11
6150.4 50.15% Beverley Welch - Alan Race (11)0.08
7140.7 46.89% Bob Hunt - Lauren Somers (10) 
8139.8 46.59% Sue Herse - Odette Hall (12) 
9139.0 46.33% Charlotte Harrison - John Harrison (3) 
10137.6 45.87% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (8) 
11135.3 45.11% Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar (2) 
12128.4 42.81% Rozalyn Wright - Lesley Parry (5) 
13128.2 42.74% Ruth Young - Kay Simpson (13) 

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