Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning Open (13-Feb-25)
North-South: 1st Tony Berger - Odette Hall; 2nd Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme;
East-West: 1st Wayne Mitchell - Lisa Basile; 2nd Frank Hymus - Birgitt Bingham;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1313.4 65.29% Tony Berger - Odette Hall (5)0.30
2280.1 58.36% Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme (6)0.21
3261.0 54.38% Patricia Adam - Margaret Watson (3)0.15
4245.9 51.22% Lorraine Twyford - Margaret Mellick (8)0.10
5227.5 47.40% John Leach - Cheryl Hensel (1) 
6221.8 46.20% Mary Jojkity - Lydia Bayer (2) 
7216.8 45.16% Wendy Lemon - Doby Stepanek (7) 
8206.5 43.02% Cheryl Millar - Barbara Huddy (9) 
9187.1 38.98% David Lewis - Irene Hayward (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1287.4 66.52% Wayne Mitchell - Lisa Basile (2)0.30
2272.4 63.05% Frank Hymus - Birgitt Bingham (8)0.21
3264.3 61.17% Alan Dundas - Jo Dundas (10)0.15
4236.8 54.80% John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (1)0.10
5222.9 51.59% Kerrie Goldston - Theo Armenis (7)0.08
6201.0 46.53% Morry Freedman - Stella Jansen (5) 
7177.3 41.03% Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (6) 
8172.0 39.81% Diana McAuliffe - John Masters (4) 
9164.1 37.99% Bernard Kagan - Pearl Kagan (3) 
10162.0 37.50% Lynette Arnold - Ralph Spinks (9) 

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