Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning Rectricted (13-Feb-25)
North-South: 1st Drazel Pincus - Maggie Reynolds; 2nd Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes;
East-West: 1st Maggi Fisher - Judy Stephens; 2nd Lexie Yeates - Debbie Usmar;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1406.7 61.62% Diana O'Ferrall - Janie Smith (10)0.33
2390.1 59.11% Drazel Pincus - Maggie Reynolds (6)0.23
3386.3 58.53% Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes (8)0.17
4365.7 55.41% Leonie Harris - John Auld (7)0.11
5350.7 53.14% Anne Zuscak - Xiaohong Zhou (1)0.08
6312.7 47.38% Frances Taylor - Ken Swansborough (2) 
7311.7 47.23% Greg Tosh - Suzanne Davis (3) 
8293.3 44.44% Sandra Fueloep - Ann McCallum (5) 
9293.1 44.41% Elizabeth Linderman - Lynda Hall (4) 
10267.7 40.56% Claire Wilson - Jan Kinkead (9) 
11252.0 38.18% Carol Vogel - Helen Geschke (11) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1418.9 63.47% Maggi Fisher - Judy Stephens (7)0.33
2380.9 57.71% Peter Hartnell - Louise Hartnell (11)0.23
3362.3 54.89% Lexie Yeates - Debbie Usmar (8)0.17
4354.7 53.74% Gordon Stone - Gaynor Kearney (4)0.11
5328.0 49.70% Lynne Rau - Andrea Sage (10)0.08
6324.3 49.14% Lee Lethbridge - Angela Nicholls (6) 
7317.3 48.08% Deb Roots - Karin Nay (2) 
8315.3 47.77% Graham Male - Carolyn Sargeant (5) 
9300.7 45.56% Nancy Wicks - Alan Harding (9) 
10265.3 40.20% Nikhil Radia - Trusha Radia (1) 
11262.3 39.74% John Bunker - Catherine Turner (3) 

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