Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Red Point Pairs - Open - Day 1 (11-Feb-25)
North-South: 1st Desley Quested - Ean Quested; 2nd Bill Peters - Lesley Sutherland;
East-West: 1st John Masters - Paul Brake; 2nd Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar;
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1410.0 62.12% Desley Quested - Ean Quested (11)0.68
2370.0 56.06% Erin Waterhouse - Zenon Olszewski (9)0.48
3365.0 55.30% Stella Jansen - George Topfner (1)0.34
4361.0 54.70% Bill Peters - Lesley Sutherland (12)0.23
5352.0 53.33% Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall (7)0.17
6337.0 51.06% Birgitt Bingham - Michael Kent (4)0.14
7321.0 48.64% Di Court - Delma Purcell (2) 
8317.0 48.03% Juliet Rogers - Peter Schmidt (8) 
9305.0 46.21% Lisa Basile - Margaret Watson (5) 
9305.0 46.21% Margaret Bills - Tony Pearlman (3) 
11268.0 40.61% Jill Dowling - Alan Jones (6) 
12249.0 37.73% Mary Denison - Marie Orme (10) 
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1383.0 58.03% John Masters - Paul Brake (3)0.68
2364.0 55.15% Dot Piddington - Lauren Somers (5)0.48
3363.0 55.00% George Powis - Patricia Powis (8)0.34
4362.0 54.85% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (12)0.23
5349.0 52.88% Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar (7)0.17
6347.0 52.58% Larraine De Nett - Heather Reid (1)0.14
7341.0 51.67% Shayne Palfreyman - Sonya Palfreyman (10) 
8330.0 50.00% Amber Noonan - Merle Bogatie (11) 
9316.0 47.88% Joanna Reid - Dale Wells (9) 
10304.0 46.06% Mary Jojkity - Colin Lewis (2) 
11271.0 41.06% Jim Roche - Carolyn Lloyd (4) 
12230.0 34.85% Pamela Beeton - Di Hodges (6) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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