Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning Sec A (6-Feb-25)
1st Lorraine Twyford - Margaret Mellick; 2nd Patricia Adam - Margaret Watson;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1120.0 57.14% Patricia Adam - Margaret Watson (7)0.24
2119.0 56.67% Lorraine Twyford - Margaret Mellick (6)0.17
3114.0 54.29% Larraine De Nett - Heather Reid (1)0.12
4113.0 53.81% Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme (4)0.08
5101.0 48.10% John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (3) 
5101.0 48.10% Mary Jojkity - Lydia Bayer (8) 
791.0 43.33% Cheryl Millar - Elizabeth Linderman (5) 
881.0 38.57% Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (2) 

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