Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Saturday Afternoon - Section A (12-Oct-24)
North-South: 1st Dianne Hillman - Odette Hall; 2nd Patricia Adam - Marie Orme;
East-West: 1st Mary Jojkity - Penny Grace; 2nd Dale Wells - Cheryl Hensel;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1260.6 60.33% Dianne Hillman - Odette Hall (5)0.30
2248.9 57.61% Val Holbrook - Jenny Michael (10)0.21
3228.1 52.81% Carolyn Waters - Anne Moase (2)0.15
4223.4 51.71% Patricia Adam - Marie Orme (3)0.10
5217.6 50.38% Peter Lloyd - Kirsty Dawe (9)0.08
6217.3 50.29% Connie Cassar - Norma Cameron (6) 
7216.9 50.20% Cheryl Millar - Judy Fitzgerald (8) 
8208.0 48.15% Mary Denison - Colin Lewis (7) 
9187.4 43.37% Jill Dowling - Alan Jones (4) 
10150.3 34.78% Jenny Lynton - Irene Hayward (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1286.1 59.61% Dale Wells - Cheryl Hensel (6)0.30
2277.8 57.86% John Glennie - Paul Brake (7)0.21
3270.8 56.41% Mary Jojkity - Penny Grace (8)0.15
4239.6 49.92% Jenny Dimond - Jane Parry (1)0.10
5227.6 47.42% Charlotte Harrison - JOHN HARRISON (3) 
6225.4 46.95% Jim Roche - Di Court (4) 
7223.1 46.48% Beverly Jarvis - Eugene Krausz (2) 
8209.4 43.62% Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai (5) 
9201.9 42.06% Janette Watson - Bev Westaway (9) 

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