Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section B Day 2 Just Jewellery (26-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Maggi Fisher - Jo-anne Martin; 2nd John Bunker - Leonie Harris;
East-West: 1st Angela Van Daal - Kevin Gosling; 2nd Deb Roots - Vivien Henesey-Smith;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1210.9 62.78% Maggi Fisher - Jo-anne Martin (4)0.21
2183.7 54.68% John Bunker - Leonie Harris (1)0.15
3172.1 51.23% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (6)0.11
4163.6 48.70% Lynette Arnold - Ralph Spinks (3) 
5154.2 45.90% Carolyn Lloyd - Catherine Beatty (5) 
6152.3 45.34% Debbie Usmar - Debbie Foot (2) 
7139.0 41.37% Drazel Pincus - Maggie Reynolds (7) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1219.7 65.38% Angela Van Daal - Kevin Gosling (4)0.21
2183.9 54.72% Lesley Riches - Michael Hogan (3)0.15
3176.6 52.55% Deb Roots - Vivien Henesey-Smith (5)0.11
4166.7 49.60% Karen Curtis - Frances Taylor (1) 
5161.4 48.03% Suzanne Davis - Greg Tosh (2) 
6139.6 41.55% Lynne Rau - Helen Geschke (6) 
7128.3 38.17% Lee Lethbridge - Janie Smith (7) 

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