Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Morning - Section A (1-Oct-24)
North-South: 1st Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett; 2nd Bryan Weyburne - Zenon Olszewski;
East-West: 1st Suzanne Purnell - Birgitt Bingham; 2nd Joanna Reid - Dale Wells;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1219.0 60.83% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (2)0.18
2198.0 55.00% Bryan Weyburne - Zenon Olszewski (6)0.13
3174.0 48.33% Lauren Somers - Dot Piddington (1)0.09
4169.0 46.94% Desley Quested - Ean Quested (3) 
5166.0 46.11% Heather Reid - Larraine De Nett (4) 
6154.0 42.78% Bill Peters - Lesley Sutherland (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1192.0 53.33% Jane Swanson - Bob Hunt (5)0.18
2189.0 52.50% Suzanne Purnell - Birgitt Bingham (3)0.13
3188.0 52.22% Joanna Reid - Dale Wells (4)0.09
4182.0 50.56% Mary Jojkity - Colin Lewis (2) 
5172.0 47.78% John Masters - Paul Brake (6) 
6157.0 43.61% Merle Bogatie - Linda Norman (1) 

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