Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Friday Morning - Section A (27-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Dale Wells - Janice Palm; 2nd Brian Borrell - Dimity Burke;
East-West: 1st Bobbie Greenwood - Merle Bogatie; 2nd Frank Hymus - Birgitt Bingham;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1255.7 57.07% Carolyn Miller - Tony Berger (5)0.27
2251.4 56.12% Linda Norman - Juliet Rogers (3)0.19
3238.9 53.32% Dale Wells - Janice Palm (6)0.14
4236.9 52.88% Kathy Johnson - Lois Steinwedel (4)0.09
5230.5 51.46% Peter Lyons - Peter Schmidt (8) 
6230.2 51.39% Brian Borrell - Dimity Burke (1) 
7214.0 47.78% Kerry Watson - Ross Steinwedel (9) 
8182.4 40.71% Larry Laikind - Jim Roche (7) 
9173.9 38.81% Faye Atkinson - Brian Pearson (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1245.0 54.69% Bobbie Greenwood - Merle Bogatie (8)0.27
2242.6 54.14% Frank Hymus - Birgitt Bingham (6)0.19
3229.8 51.31% Zenon Olszewski - Eugene Krausz (3)0.14
4228.6 51.02% Barry Coe - Patricia Powis (2)0.09
5219.3 48.95% John Sear - Sue Robinson (9) 
6217.1 48.47% Larraine De Nett - Jenny Simmons (1) 
7207.6 46.33% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (4) 
8202.0 45.09% Heather Reid - Joanna Reid (5) 

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