Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Afternoon - Section A (18-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Bob Hunt - Lauren Somers; 2nd Kerry Wood - Nayda Tuxworth;
East-West: 1st Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel; 2nd Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1340.5 59.11% Bob Hunt - Lauren Somers (4)0.27
2338.5 58.77% Kerry Wood - Nayda Tuxworth (9)0.19
3321.9 55.88% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (1)0.14
4318.1 55.23% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (2)0.09
5298.5 51.82% Shayne Palfreyman - Sonya Palfreyman (7) 
6298.0 51.74% Tom Strong - Edda Strong (6) 
7252.1 43.77% Theo Armenis - Peter Lloyd (8) 
8214.5 37.24% Sue Herse - Odette Hall (5) 
9209.9 36.44% Beverly Jarvis - Eugene Krausz (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1333.5 57.90% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (4)0.27
2320.9 55.71% John Hiscocks - Kerry Hiscocks (3)0.19
3309.5 53.73% Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar (5)0.14
4306.0 53.12% Erin Waterhouse - Dale Wells (8)0.09
5294.1 51.06% Faye Ding - Merle Bogatie (2) 
6288.5 50.09% Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons (1) 
7284.9 49.46% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (9) 
8242.1 42.04% JOHN HARRISON - Charlotte Harrison (7) 
9212.5 36.89% Luis Fleiszig - Leonie Fleiszig (6) 

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