Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section A (12-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Charles Rees - Sandra Feingold; 2nd Ethne Huddleston - Irene Hayward;
East-West: 1st Jenny L Williams - Robyn Kronenberg; 2nd Alan Kestenberg - John Lemarchand
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1331.0 57.47% Theo Armenis - Kerrie Goldston (5)0.27
2324.0 56.25% Lisa Basile - Margaret Watson (2)0.19
3312.0 54.17% Charles Rees - Sandra Feingold (4)0.14
4304.0 52.78% Patricia Adam - Sue Herse (9)0.09
5294.0 51.04% Ethne Huddleston - Irene Hayward (6) 
6277.0 48.09% Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme (7) 
7259.0 44.97% Carolyn Waters - John Henderson (3) 
8248.0 43.06% Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater (8) 
9243.0 42.19% John Leach - Melanie Mills (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1347.0 60.24% Jenny L Williams - Robyn Kronenberg (3)0.27
2339.0 58.85% Lynley Jenkins - Lindell Day (9)0.19
3316.0 54.86% Alan Kestenberg - John Lemarchand (6)0.14
4311.0 53.99% Ian Kern - Lynne Shore (1)0.09
5297.0 51.56% John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (4) 
6293.0 50.87% Mary Jojkity - Tony Pearlman (2) 
7254.0 44.10% Cheryl Millar - Penny Grace (8) 
8228.0 39.58% Lynette Arnold - Ralph Spinks (5) 
9207.0 35.94% Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (7) 

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