Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Saturday Afternoon - Section B (7-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Valerie Bennett - Brian Pearson; 2nd Theo Armenis - Jenny L Williams;
East-West: 1st Janie Smith - Karen Curtis; 2nd Sue Howard - Helen Cunynghame;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1184.2 61.40% Theo Armenis - Jenny L Williams (3)0.18
2166.8 55.60% Valerie Bennett - Brian Pearson (5)0.13
3163.6 54.53% Louise Hartnell - Peter Hartnell (4)0.09
4139.6 46.53% Kaysie Sylvester - Julie Hill (6) 
5136.6 45.53% Drazel Pincus - Kevin Hall (1) 
6109.2 36.40% Greg Tosh - Caroline Ausden (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1187.6 62.53% Janie Smith - Karen Curtis (4)0.18
2183.8 61.27% Sue Howard - Helen Cunynghame (6)0.13
3176.0 58.67% John Duckitt - Inez Pinto (5)0.09
4136.2 45.40% Charles McLaren - Michael Hogan (2) 
5119.8 39.93% Michelle Zukerman - Jenny Bennett (1) 
696.6 32.20% Nola Saunders - Wilma Crisford (3) 

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