Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section A (5-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Charles Rees - Sandra Feingold; 2nd Libby Persson - Shirley Wanz;
East-West: 1st Lynley Jenkins - Lindell Day; 2nd Dale Wells - Connie Cassar;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1290.0 64.73% Libby Persson - Shirley Wanz (8)0.24
2251.0 56.03% John Leach - Cheryl Hensel (1)0.17
3234.0 52.23% Charles Rees - Sandra Feingold (4)0.12
4219.0 48.88% Lisa Basile - Margaret Watson (2)0.08
5215.0 47.99% Carolyn Waters - John Henderson (3) 
6199.0 44.42% Ethne Huddleston - Doby Stepanek (7) 
7198.0 44.20% Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme (5) 
8186.0 41.52% Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1278.0 62.05% Lynley Jenkins - Lindell Day (6)0.24
2253.0 56.47% Dale Wells - Connie Cassar (1)0.17
3247.0 55.13% Mary Jojkity - Tony Pearlman (2)0.12
4240.0 53.57% John Glennie - Paul Brake (8)0.08
5233.0 52.01% Kerrie Goldston - Theo Armenis (3) 
6232.0 51.79% Lyn Maver - Ross Maver (4) 
7185.0 41.29% Cheryl Millar - Penny Grace (7) 
8124.0 27.68% Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (5) 

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