Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Afternoon - Section A (4-Sep-24)
North-South: 1st Ed Hahn - Trevor Fletcher; 2nd Ross Steinwedel - Lois Steinwedel;
East-West: 1st Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons; 2nd Judith Woodward - Elaine Hennig;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1247.2 58.85% Ed Hahn - Trevor Fletcher (6)0.21
2234.0 55.71% Linda Norman - Erin Waterhouse (7)0.15
3224.0 53.33% Ross Steinwedel - Lois Steinwedel (2)0.11
4200.5 47.74% Kathy Johnson - Larraine De Nett (4) 
5194.8 46.39% Grace Henry - Odette Hall (5) 
6186.5 44.40% Carolyn Waters - Juliet Rogers (3) 
7183.0 43.57% Birgitt Bingham - Suzanne Purnell (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1236.0 56.19% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (6)0.21
2227.0 54.05% Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons (4)0.15
3217.0 51.67% Shirley Wanz - Maxima Fogelgarn (2)0.11
4213.8 50.91% Judith Woodward - Elaine Hennig (7) 
5207.5 49.40% John Glennie - Merle Bogatie (1) 
6189.5 45.12% Charlotte Harrison - JOHN HARRISON (3) 
7179.2 42.66% Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar (5) 

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