Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Stan Pogacic Pairs
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1121.6 60.79%Cecile Senior - Shirley Wanz (0)0.69
2117.9 58.96%Linda Norman - Erin Waterhouse (0)0.48
3113.6 56.82%Pat Beattie - Robyn Fletcher (0)0.35
4112.5 56.27%Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (0)0.23
5109.4 54.68%Kerry Wood - Charles Howard (0)0.17
6106.9 53.44%Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (0)0.14
7102.9 51.43%Edda Strong - Tom Strong (0)0.12
8100.9 50.45%Patricia Powis - George Powis (0)0.10
996.6 48.29%Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (0) 
1096.4 48.22%Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (0) 
1194.8 47.39%Jennifer Sawyer - Dot Piddington (0) 
1294.7 47.35%Suzanne Purnell - Birgitt Bingham (0) 
1394.7 47.33%Kathy Johnson - Heather Reid (0) 
1493.8 46.88%Odette Hall - Grace Henry (0) 
1590.9 45.47%Merle Bogatie - John Glennie (0) 
1689.8 44.89%Connie Cassar - Dianne Hillman (0) 
1785.7 42.84%Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (0) 

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