Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Stan Podacic Pairs - Day 2 -Wed (28-Aug-24)
North-South: 1st Shirley Wanz - Cecile Senior; 2nd Kerry Wood - Charles Howard;
East-West: 1st Erin Waterhouse - Linda Norman; 2nd Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1297.0 61.88% Shirley Wanz - Cecile Senior (5)0.30
2274.0 57.08% Kerry Wood - Charles Howard (8)0.21
3242.0 50.42% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (3)0.15
4240.0 50.00% George Powis - Patricia Powis (9)0.10
5229.0 47.71% Tom Strong - Edda Strong (7) 
5229.0 47.71% Grace Henry - Odette Hall (4) 
7228.0 47.50% Jennifer Sawyer - Dot Piddington (2) 
8211.0 43.96% Bella Szmerling - Marilyn Faiman (6) 
9210.0 43.75% Heather Reid - Kathy Johnson (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1279.0 64.58% Erin Waterhouse - Linda Norman (4)0.30
2237.0 54.86% Pat Beattie - Robyn Fletcher (2)0.21
3232.0 53.70% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (7)0.13
3232.0 53.70% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (6)0.13
5217.0 50.23% Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar (5)0.08
6214.0 49.54% Beverly Jarvis - Eugene Krausz (9) 
7207.0 47.92% John Glennie - Merle Bogatie (10) 
8200.0 46.30% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (1) 
9199.0 46.06% Suzanne Purnell - Birgitt Bingham (3) 
10143.0 33.10% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (8) 

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