Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Morning - Section A (14-Aug-24)
North-South: 1st Bella Szmerling - Marilyn Faiman; 2nd Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski;
East-West: 1st John Masters - Paul Brake; 2nd JOHN HARRISON - Charlotte Harrison;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1323.0 56.08% Ross Steinwedel - Lois Steinwedel (1)0.27
2321.0 55.73% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (4)0.19
3314.0 54.51% Ed Hahn - Trevor Fletcher (5)0.14
4309.0 53.65% Shirley Wanz - Cecile Senior (7)0.09
5308.0 53.47% Bella Szmerling - Marilyn Faiman (3) 
6290.0 50.35% Jennifer Sawyer - Dot Piddington (2) 
7285.0 49.48% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (9) 
8232.0 40.28% Grace Henry - Sue Herse (6) 
9210.0 36.46% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (8) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1354.0 61.46% John Masters - Paul Brake (4)0.27
2318.0 55.21% Sue Small - Lea Woolf (3)0.19
3301.0 52.26% JOHN HARRISON - Charlotte Harrison (8)0.14
4299.0 51.91% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (1)0.09
5296.0 51.39% Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons (5) 
6276.0 47.92% Dale Wells - Pamela Collins (2) 
7258.0 44.79% Beverly Jarvis - Eugene Krausz (6) 
8254.0 44.10% Graham Lasky - Peter Jaffe (9) 
9236.0 40.97% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (7) 

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