Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Morning - Section A (13-Aug-24)
North-South: 1st Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater; 2nd Veena Chotai - Raynor Loewenthal;
East-West: 1st Libby Persson - Kaye Abraham; 2nd Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1384.6 58.27% Veena Chotai - Raynor Loewenthal (12)0.36
2379.3 57.47% Carolyn Waters - Juliet Rogers (4)0.25
3373.6 56.61% Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater (9)0.18
4372.5 56.44% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (11)0.12
5353.9 53.62% Heather Reid - Larraine De Nett (7)0.09
6342.0 51.82% Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall (1)0.07
7341.1 51.68% Margaret Watson - Wendy Browne (5) 
8319.0 48.33% Lynne Cooke - Kay Rutter (3) 
9311.0 47.12% Jenny Lynton - Rhonda Peachey (8) 
10302.5 45.83% Jill Dowling - Alan Jones (6) 
11244.0 36.97% Lisa Basile - Diana McAuliffe (2) 
12236.5 35.83% Cheryl Millar - Barbara Huddy (10) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1456.5 69.17% Libby Persson - Kaye Abraham (12)0.36
2368.0 55.76% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (6)0.25
3354.9 53.77% Lynley Jenkins - Shirley Wanz (3)0.18
4352.0 53.33% Lauren Somers - Dot Piddington (9)0.12
5330.0 50.00% Grace Henry - Sue Herse (11)0.09
6327.1 49.56% Joanna Reid - Dale Wells (7)0.07
7326.5 49.47% Michele Lasky - Estelle Levy (5) 
8298.4 45.21% Patricia Adam - Jan Jennings (4) 
9296.0 44.85% Alan Kestenberg - John Lemarchand (8) 
10293.5 44.47% Mary Jojkity - Colin Lewis (2) 
11287.7 43.59% Melanie Mills - Sarah Taylor (1) 
12269.4 40.82% Margaret Bills - Penny Grace (10) 

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