Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Morning - Section B (16-Jul-24)
North-South: 1st Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater; 2nd Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall;
East-West: 1st Warren Males - Peter Lyons; 2nd Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1235.0 55.95% Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall (4)0.21
2230.0 54.76% Desley Quested - Ean Quested (5)0.15
3227.0 54.05% Lorraine Twyford - Steve Goldwater (2)0.11
4222.0 52.86% Libby Persson - Shirley Wanz (6) 
5210.0 50.00% Jenny Lynton - Rhonda Peachey (1) 
6175.0 41.67% Tom Strong - Edda Strong (7) 
7171.0 40.71% Cheryl Millar - Barbara Huddy (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1253.0 60.24% Warren Males - Peter Lyons (6)0.21
2249.0 59.29% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (7)0.15
3212.0 50.48% Lesley Sutherland - Bill Peters (5)0.11
4199.0 47.38% Veena Chotai - Raynor Loewenthal (1) 
5193.0 45.95% Margaret Mellick - Penny Grace (3) 
6187.0 44.52% Mary Denison - Marie Orme (2) 
7177.0 42.14% Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar (4) 

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