Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Morning - Section A (25-Jun-24)
North-South: 1st Carolyn Waters - Juliet Rogers; 2nd Erin Waterhouse - Zenon Olszewski;
East-West: 1st John Masters - Marlene Millar; 2nd Merle Bogatie - Trish Anagnostou;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1279.0 62.28% Carolyn Waters - Juliet Rogers (3)0.24
2251.0 56.03% Erin Waterhouse - Zenon Olszewski (1)0.17
3237.0 52.90% Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall (4)0.12
4231.0 51.56% Desley Quested - Ean Quested (8)0.08
5225.0 50.22% Dale Wells - Joanna Reid (5) 
6215.0 47.99% Heather Reid - Larraine De Nett (6) 
7193.0 43.08% Wendy Lemon - Jane Parry (2) 
8161.0 35.94% Ethne Huddleston - Pamela Beeton (7) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1263.0 58.71% John Masters - Marlene Millar (6)0.24
2256.0 57.14% Merle Bogatie - Trish Anagnostou (1)0.17
3241.0 53.79% Jane Swanson - Patricia Powis (2)0.12
4234.0 52.23% Stella Jansen - Frank Hymus (7)0.08
5231.0 51.56% Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar (4) 
6208.0 46.43% Di Hodges - Maida Beale (5) 
7201.0 44.87% Lesley Sutherland - Bill Peters (8) 
8158.0 35.27% Mary Jojkity - Colin Lewis (3) 

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