Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Saturday Afternoon - Section B (22-Jun-24)
North-South: 1st Morry Freedman - Stella Jansen; 2nd Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes;
East-West: 1st Charles McLaren - Michael Hogan; 2nd Carolyn Jordan - Sandy Terrill;
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1266.0 59.38% Morry Freedman - Stella Jansen (2)0.26
2263.0 58.71% Sandra Hendry - Michael Rootes (1)0.18
3230.0 51.34% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (8)0.11
3230.0 51.34% David Lewis - Anne Zuscak (4)0.11
5227.0 50.67% Greg Tosh - Caroline Ausden (5) 
6217.0 48.44% Louise Hartnell - Peter Hartnell (7) 
7182.0 40.62% Kevin Hall - Drazel Pincus (6) 
8177.0 39.51% Valerie Bennett - Brian Pearson (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1269.0 60.04% Charles McLaren - Michael Hogan (4)0.26
2259.0 57.81% Martyn Jacobson - Carolyn Hale (5)0.18
3253.0 56.47% Carolyn Jordan - Sandy Terrill (8)0.13
4237.0 52.90% Karen Curtis - Janie Smith (2)0.09
5228.0 50.89% Sue Howard - Helen Cunynghame (3) 
6211.0 47.10% Lesley Riches - Peter Uldrich (6) 
7181.0 40.40% Brett Hughes - Andrea Sage (7) 
8154.0 34.38% Michelle Zukerman - Susan Aarons (1) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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