Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Monday Afternoon - Section B (17-Jun-24)
North-South: 1st Graham Stuhmcke - Michelle Davies; 2nd Jo-anne Martin - Deb Roots;
East-West: 1st Caroline Barton - Shane Whiting; 2nd Leonie Harris - John Bunker;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1312.3 57.84% Graham Stuhmcke - Michelle Davies (10)0.30
2301.2 55.78% Jo-anne Martin - Deb Roots (4)0.21
3296.3 54.88% Kevin Gosling - Angela Van Daal (5)0.15
4294.2 54.49% Louise Hartnell - Peter Hartnell (7)0.10
5293.0 54.26% Greg Tosh - Judy Stephens (8)0.08
6261.2 48.37% Brett Hughes - Andrea Sage (9) 
7257.1 47.61% Diana O'Ferrall - Janie Smith (1) 
8241.8 44.77% Valerie Bennett - Susan Aarons (3) 
9221.4 41.01% Claire Wilson - Jan Kinkead (6) 
10221.3 40.99% Lynda Hall - Beverley Aird (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1338.2 62.63% Caroline Barton - Shane Whiting (8)0.30
2316.4 58.60% Leonie Harris - John Bunker (7)0.21
3299.4 55.45% Helen Geschke - Vivien Henesey-Smith (10)0.15
4297.3 55.06% Joan Joy - Leonie Daniels (5)0.10
5288.9 53.50% Patricia Geale - Catherine Beatty (9)0.08
6278.6 51.58% Lynne Rau - Karin Nay (4) 
7263.4 48.79% Jenny Bennett - Campbell Johnson (6) 
8235.1 43.54% Michelle Zukerman - Brian Pearson (3) 
9193.8 35.88% Lee Lethbridge - Angela Nicholls (1) 
10188.8 34.96% Pamela Rowney - Inez Pinto (2) 

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