Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Saturday Afternoon - Zeppelin Red Pt Day I Restricted (27-Apr-24)
North-South: 1st Kaysie Sylvester - Julie Hill; 2nd Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis;
East-West: 1st Martyn Jacobson - Carolyn Hale; 2nd Jenny L Williams - Beverly Jarvis;
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1145.0 60.42% Kaysie Sylvester - Julie Hill (2)0.18
2131.0 54.58% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (7)0.13
3129.0 53.75% Ann McCallum - Bernadette Fulton (1)0.09
4123.0 51.25% Carol Wright - Carol Harris (3) 
5115.0 47.92% Ethne Huddleston - Pamela Beeton (4) 
6102.0 42.50% Greg Tosh - Caroline Ausden (6) 
795.0 39.58% Kevin Hall - Drazel Pincus (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1166.0 59.29% Martyn Jacobson - Carolyn Hale (3)0.18
2151.0 53.93% Suzanne Davis - Alan Harding (1)0.13
3148.0 52.86% Jenny L Williams - Beverly Jarvis (7)0.09
4143.0 51.07% David Lewis - Anne Zuscak (4) 
5132.0 47.14% Judy Stephens - Shane Whiting (2) 
6100.0 35.71% Michelle Zukerman - Jenny Bennett (6) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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