Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Monday Afternoon - Section A (29-Apr-24)
North-South: 1st Krystyna Homik - Jane Swanson; 2nd Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis;
East-West: 1st Ludwik Tomalak - Frank Hymus; 2nd Andrew Richman - Sandra Richman;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1632.3 63.87% Krystyna Homik - Jane Swanson (15)0.48
2597.9 60.39% Heather Reid - Larraine De Nett (9)0.34
3582.5 58.84% Diana O'Ferrall - Janie Smith (12)0.24
4564.2 56.99% Roger Weathered - Lou Tillotson (10)0.16
5551.0 55.66% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (8)0.12
6518.3 52.35% Jo-anne Martin - Deb Roots (6)0.10
7512.8 51.80% Carol Vogel - Vivien Henesey-Smith (11)0.08
8511.5 51.67% Kaysie Sylvester - Julie Hill (2)0.07
9482.2 48.71% Greg Tosh - Judy Stephens (13) 
10458.7 46.34% Frances Taylor - Karen Curtis (4) 
11446.5 45.10% John Bunker - Leonie Harris (16) 
12439.8 44.42% Brett Hughes - Andrea Sage (7) 
13435.6 44.00% Valerie Bennett - Helen Boxer (1) 
14434.0 43.84% Jenny Bennett - Angela Van Daal (14) 
15391.7 39.57% Inez Pinto - Pamela Rowney (3) 
16361.0 36.46% Lynda Hall - Beverley Aird (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1742.8 75.03% Andrew Richman - Sandra Richman (10)0.48
2711.9 71.91% Ludwik Tomalak - Frank Hymus (15)0.34
3619.7 62.60% Eugene Krausz - Merle Bogatie (9)0.24
4555.5 56.11% Thomas Ward - Anne Zuscak (16)0.16
5553.3 55.89% Maggi Fisher - Shane Whiting (3)0.12
6544.5 55.00% Kerrie Goldston - Beverly Jarvis (5)0.10
7471.8 47.66% Nick Weekes - Anne Weekes (13)0.08
8470.9 47.56% Kevin Gosling - Gaylene Kennedy (14)0.07
9465.0 46.97% Lee Lethbridge - Angela Nicholls (2) 
10452.2 45.68% Joan Joy - Leonie Daniels (1) 
11431.2 43.56% Lynne Rau - Karin Nay (11) 
12422.0 42.63% Lexie Yeates - Debbie Usmar (6) 
13409.1 41.32% Catherine Beatty - Patricia Geale (7) 
14405.8 40.99% Maria Hanrahan - Ken Swansborough (4) 
15372.8 37.66% Annabel Forster - Camille Galvin (12) 
16291.5 29.44% Michelle Zukerman - Alan Harding (8) 

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