Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Afternoon - Section A (24-Apr-24)
North-South: 1st Linda Norman - Erin Waterhouse; 2nd Rob Swann - Theo Armenis;
East-West: 1st Charlotte Harrison - JOHN HARRISON; 2nd Peter Schmidt - Peter Lyons;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1388.0 58.79% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (10)0.33
2374.0 56.67% Linda Norman - Erin Waterhouse (6)0.23
3373.0 56.52% Jennifer Sawyer - Dot Piddington (4)0.17
4369.0 55.91% Kerry Wood - Nayda Tuxworth (11)0.11
5368.0 55.76% Rob Swann - Theo Armenis (7)0.08
6350.0 53.03% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (3) 
7349.0 52.88% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (2) 
8345.0 52.27% Ross Steinwedel - Lois Steinwedel (8) 
9279.0 42.27% Grace Henry - Odette Hall (5) 
10258.0 39.09% Heather Reid - Janice Palm (1) 
11177.0 26.82% Jo Trinh - Thuy Trinh (9) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1376.0 56.97% Larraine De Nett - Merle Bogatie (1)0.33
2367.0 55.61% Peter Schmidt - Peter Lyons (2)0.23
3356.0 53.94% Carole McDonald - George Topfner (3)0.17
4350.0 53.03% Philip Roberts - Tony Roberts (10)0.11
5335.0 50.76% Charlotte Harrison - JOHN HARRISON (8)0.08
6325.0 49.24% Suzanne Purnell - Birgitt Bingham (6) 
7324.0 49.09% Judith Woodward - Elaine Hennig (4) 
8309.0 46.82% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (9) 
9297.0 45.00% Dianne Hillman - Connie Cassar (5) 
10296.0 44.85% Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai (7) 
11295.0 44.70% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (11) 

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