Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Afternoon - Section A (14-Feb-24)
North-South: 1st Michael Aikin - Coral Aikin; 2nd Merle Bogatie - Carole McDonald;
East-West: 1st Shelley Moodie - James Moodie; 2nd Philip Roberts - Tony Roberts;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1306.0 63.75% Michael Aikin - Coral Aikin (8)0.30
2305.0 63.54% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (6)0.21
3297.0 61.88% Merle Bogatie - Carole McDonald (1)0.15
4247.0 51.46% Sue Smith - David Smith (5)0.10
5230.0 47.92% Erin Waterhouse - David Grout (7) 
6221.0 46.04% John Sear - Jane Swanson (9) 
7203.0 42.29% Roger Weathered - Lou Tillotson (2) 
8201.0 41.88% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (3) 
9150.0 31.25% Theo Armenis - Pamela Beeton (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1244.0 56.48% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (6)0.30
2243.0 56.25% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (8)0.21
3236.0 54.63% Philip Roberts - Tony Roberts (4)0.13
3236.0 54.63% Andrew Richman - Sandra Richman (2)0.13
5215.0 49.77% Alan Race - Nimal Weerasinghe (9)0.08
6213.0 49.31% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (10) 
7201.0 46.53% Heather Reid - Jenny Simmons (1) 
8199.0 46.06% Paul Brake - Lindell Day (7) 
9198.0 45.83% Ludwik Tomalak - Birgitt Bingham (3) 
10175.0 40.51% Ashok Chotai - Veena Chotai (5) 

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