Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section A (1-Feb-24)
North-South: 1st Carolyn Lloyd - Lesley Parry; 2nd Beverly Jarvis - Kerrie Goldston;
East-West: 1st Wayne Mitchell - Lisa Basile; 2nd Debbie McKenzie - Joanna Reid;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1329.4 61.01% Carolyn Lloyd - Lesley Parry (1)0.30
2301.1 55.76% Beverly Jarvis - Kerrie Goldston (6)0.21
3300.1 55.58% Jenny Lynton - Marie Orme (7)0.15
4277.7 51.42% Carolyn Waters - John Henderson (8)0.10
5272.9 50.54% Robyn Spooner - Di Brown (10)0.08
6263.6 48.81% Carol Kelly - Jenny L Williams (4) 
7259.1 47.98% John Leach - Melanie Mills (2) 
8251.6 46.58% Lorraine Twyford - Lois Mee (9) 
9227.6 42.14% Margaret Bills - Charles Rees (5) 
10217.0 40.19% Patricia Adam - Charlie Dacey (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1354.6 65.66% Wayne Mitchell - Lisa Basile (3)0.30
2309.4 57.30% Alan Kestenberg - John Lemarchand (10)0.21
3300.3 55.62% Kerry Hiscocks - Lindell Day (8)0.15
4292.9 54.24% Debbie McKenzie - Joanna Reid (6)0.10
5279.9 51.83% Margaret Watson - Judith Bohlscheid (5)0.08
6268.1 49.65% John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (2) 
7253.4 46.93% Cheryl Millar - Penny Grace (9) 
8249.4 46.19% Mary Jojkity - Doby Stepanek (1) 
9235.9 43.68% Di Hodges - Pamela Beeton (4) 
10156.0 28.89% Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (7) 

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