Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section A (25-Jan-24)
North-South: 1st Carol Kelly - Jenny L Williams; 2nd Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis;
East-West: 1st Tony Berger - Merle Bogatie; 2nd Kerrie Goldston - Beverly Jarvis;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1256.0 57.14% John Leach - Melanie Mills (2)0.27
2244.0 54.46% Carol Kelly - Jenny L Williams (6)0.19
3241.0 53.79% Ian Jarvis - Theo Armenis (4)0.14
4238.0 53.12% Judy Fitzgerald - Mary Jojkity (1)0.09
5214.0 47.77% Penny Grace - Margaret Mellick (9) 
6210.0 46.88% Margaret Bills - Pamela Beeton (5) 
7206.0 45.98% Patricia Adam - Lisa Basile (7) 
8204.0 45.54% Doby Stepanek - Lynette Arnold (8) 
9203.0 45.31% Carolyn Waters - John Henderson (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1333.0 66.07% Tony Berger - Merle Bogatie (2)0.27
2276.0 54.76% Kerrie Goldston - Beverly Jarvis (6)0.19
3250.0 49.60% Marie Orme - Jenny Lynton (7)0.14
4244.0 48.41% Margaret Watson - Judith Bohlscheid (5)0.09
5241.0 47.82% John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (3) 
6232.0 46.03% Sandra Feingold - Charles Rees (8) 
7226.0 44.84% Maggi Fisher - Jo-anne Martin (4) 
8214.0 42.46% Carolyn Lloyd - Lesley Parry (9) 

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