Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Tuesday Morning - Section A (23-Jan-24)
North-South: 1st Judith Bohlscheid - Margaret Watson; 2nd Ethne Huddleston - Debbie McKenzie;
East-West: 1st Daria Williams - Bijan Assaee; 2nd Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1419.5 63.57% Judith Bohlscheid - Margaret Watson (14)0.42
2383.7 58.13% Desley Quested - Ean Quested (1)0.29
3371.3 56.25% Cheryl Hensel - Odette Hall (2)0.21
4364.1 55.17% Ethne Huddleston - Debbie McKenzie (3)0.14
5352.3 53.38% Carolyn Waters - Juliet Rogers (4)0.11
6328.2 49.73% Diana Board - Julian Egerton-Vernon (13)0.08
7317.7 48.13% Carol Kelly - Jenny L Williams (6)0.07
8311.4 47.18% Jenny Lynton - Rhonda Peachey (7) 
9305.9 46.35% Doby Stepanek - Ralph Spinks (9) 
10300.9 45.58% Jill Dowling - Alan Jones (5) 
10300.8 45.58% Jim Whalen - Lydia Bayer (11) 
12298.4 45.22% Cheryl Millar - Elizabeth Linderman (10) 
13298.1 45.17% David Lewis - Victoria Cairns (12) 
14275.4 41.73% Lorraine Twyford - John Henderson (8) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1441.7 66.92% Daria Williams - Bijan Assaee (6)0.42
2387.5 58.71% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (13)0.29
3380.0 57.58% Kerrie Goldston - Beverly Jarvis (9)0.21
4369.6 56.00% Mary Jojkity - Colin Lewis (1)0.14
5359.9 54.53% Diana McAuliffe - Lisa Basile (5)0.11
6333.0 50.45% Veena Chotai - Raynor Loewenthal (3)0.08
7327.2 49.58% Kay Rutter - Michael Cockerell (8) 
8321.4 48.70% Pamela Beeton - Margaret Bills (11) 
9306.2 46.39% Patricia Adam - Jan Jennings (7) 
10302.2 45.79% Melanie Mills - Connie Cassar (2) 
11266.6 40.39% Judy Stephens - Greg Tosh (12) 
12261.6 39.64% Margaret Mellick - Penny Grace (10) 
13233.1 35.32% Caroline Ausden - Nola Saunders (4) 

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