Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Morning - Section B (21-Dec-23)
North-South: 1st John Bunker - Leonie Harris; 2nd Thomas Ward - Janie Smith;
East-West: 1st Lexie Yeates - Debbie Usmar; 2nd Lee Lethbridge - Maggie Reynolds;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1161.0 53.67% John Bunker - Leonie Harris (7)0.21
2158.0 52.67% Thomas Ward - Janie Smith (2)0.15
3157.0 52.33% Maggi Fisher - Jo-anne Martin (4)0.11
4152.0 50.67% Patricia Geale - Andrea Sage (3) 
5148.0 49.33% Catherine Beatty - Russell Parry (1) 
6146.0 48.67% Darren Avery - Vanessa Wadds (6) 
7128.0 42.67% Ann McCallum - Bernadette Fulton (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1163.0 54.33% Karen Curtis - Shane Whiting (7)0.21
2158.0 52.67% Frances Taylor - Ken Swansborough (2)0.13
2158.0 52.67% Lexie Yeates - Debbie Usmar (1)0.13
4156.0 52.00% Lee Lethbridge - Maggie Reynolds (5) 
5147.0 49.00% Elizabeth Linderman - Lynne Rau (4) 
6136.0 45.33% Deb Roots - Karin Nay (3) 
7132.0 44.00% Carol Vogel - Vivien Henesey-Smith (6) 

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