Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Wednesday Afternoon - Stan Pogacic Memorial Pairs - Day 1 (6-Dec-23)
North-South: 1st Pat Beattie - Jenny Michael; 2nd Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski;
East-West: 1st Ludwik Tomalak - Birgitt Bingham; 2nd Tom Strong - Edda Strong;
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1454.8 57.43% Pat Beattie - Jenny Michael (3)0.60
2444.2 56.08% Kevin Steffensen - Tony Berger (7)0.42
3442.4 55.85% Juliet Rogers - Zenon Olszewski (2)0.30
4439.5 55.49% David Smith - Sue Smith (5)0.20
5417.5 52.71% Trevor Fletcher - Ed Hahn (9)0.15
6414.2 52.30% Merle Bogatie - Larraine De Nett (1)0.12
7389.7 49.21% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (4) 
8389.0 49.12% Louise Garnett - Lol Garnett (6) 
9384.4 48.53% Veena Chotai - Ashok Chotai (10) 
10374.5 47.28% Lauren Somers - Bob Hunt (12) 
11367.9 46.45% Kim Morrison - Rachel Langdon (8) 
12234.1 29.56% Valerie Bennett - Alan Harding (11) 
Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1468.6 59.17% Ludwik Tomalak - Birgitt Bingham (6)0.60
2466.1 58.85% Tom Strong - Edda Strong (12)0.42
3449.1 56.70% George Powis - Patricia Powis (2)0.30
4429.1 54.18% Dot Piddington - Jenny Simmons (7)0.20
5414.0 52.27% Nayda Tuxworth - Charles Howard (8)0.15
6413.5 52.22% Judith Woodward - Elaine Hennig (4)0.12
7395.8 49.98% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (9) 
8386.8 48.84% Coral Aikin - Michael Aikin (5) 
9371.6 46.92% Saftica Popa - Ken Moschner (3) 
10363.4 45.88% Mary Jojkity - Eugene Krausz (1) 
11335.8 42.40% Shelley Moodie - James Moodie (10) 
12258.1 32.59% Nikhil Radia - Trusha Radia (11) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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