Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Monday Afternoon - Bridge Technology Pairs - Day 2 (4-Dec-23)
North-South: 1st David Smith - Sue Smith; 2nd Roger Weathered - Lou Tillotson;
East-West: 1st Ashok Chotai - Barry Williams; 2nd Kevin Steffensen - Carolyn Miller;
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1332.0 61.48% Eva Berger - Kathy Johnson (5)0.30
2330.0 61.11% David Smith - Sue Smith (4)0.21
3287.0 53.15% Roger Weathered - Lou Tillotson (1)0.15
4283.0 52.41% Michael Kent - Birgitt Bingham (7)0.10
5279.0 51.67% Linda Norman - Juliet Rogers (3)0.08
6253.0 46.85% Beverly Jarvis - Kerrie Goldston (2) 
7249.0 46.11% Krystyna Homik - Jane Swanson (9) 
8238.0 44.07% Paul Brake - John Glennie (6) 
9226.0 41.85% Tom Strong - Edda Strong (10) 
10223.0 41.30% Veena Chotai - Sue Herse (8) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1337.0 62.41% Ashok Chotai - Barry Williams (8)0.30
2319.0 59.07% Kevin Steffensen - Carolyn Miller (10)0.21
3307.0 56.85% Andrew Richman - Sandra Richman (1)0.15
4287.0 53.15% Larraine De Nett - Heather Reid (4)0.10
5281.0 52.04% Pat Beattie - Ed Hahn (9)0.08
6259.0 47.96% Tony Berger - Bob Hunt (6) 
7255.0 47.22% Lois Steinwedel - Ross Steinwedel (7) 
8244.0 45.19% Bobbie Greenwood - Janice Palm (5) 
9242.0 44.81% Saftica Popa - Ken Moschner (3) 
10169.0 31.30% Jenny L Williams - Robyn Kronenberg (2) 

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