Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Julian's Rookie Challenge
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1245.5 56.84%Judy Stephens - Anne Zuscak (104)0.44
2237.1 54.88%Caroline Barton - Shane Whiting (105)0.31
3228.3 52.84%CAROL VOGEL - Vivien Henesey-Smith (103)0.22
4225.8 52.26%Janie Smith - Diana O'FERRALL (112)0.15
5219.9 50.90%Deb Roots - Brian Pearson (107) 
6203.3 47.07%Louise Hartnell - Peter Hartnell (106) 
7199.1 46.09%Leonie Harris - John Bunker (111) 
8174.5 40.39%Leonie Daniels - Cheryl Rivalland (109) 
9170.7 39.52%Pamela Rowney - Inez Pinto (101) 

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