Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Pairs Overall Section A
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1813.7 64.89%Jennifer Sawyer - Dot Piddington (108)0.75
2693.8 55.33%John Glennie - Paul Brake (113)0.53
3687.6 54.83%John Leach - Melanie Mills (114)0.38
4652.1 52.00%Charlie Dacey - Patricia Adam (122)0.25
5650.6 51.88%Lorraine Twyford - Kerrie Goldston (111)0.19
6639.8 51.02%Tony Pearlman - Pamela Jessep (116)0.15
7633.2 50.49%Lindell Day - Lisa Basile (106)0.13
8629.1 50.17%Carolyn Waters - John Henderson (110)0.11
9626.4 49.96%Cheryl Millar - Penny Grace (103) 
10626.0 49.92%John Hiscocks - Peter Uldrich (105) 
11619.9 49.43%Lynley Jenkins - Lesley Sutherland (121) 
12595.2 47.46%Jeff Wicks - Julie Wicks (118) 
13582.1 46.42%Jenny Lynton - Norma Cameron (117) 
14552.9 44.09%Doby Stepanek - Charles Rees (120) 
15549.0 43.78%Alan Jones - Jill Dowling (104) 
16529.0 42.19%Carole Stone - Sandra Middleton (101) 
17477.2 38.06%Paula Pettersson - Valerie Fairlie (102) 

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