Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Thursday Pairs Section 'C' FINAL
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1290.6 65.45%DAVID LEWIS - Xiaohong Zhou (102)0.37
2255.0 57.43%Thomas Ward - Greg Tosh (103)0.26
3233.0 52.48%Maggie Reynolds - Noni Affleck (105)0.19
4220.6 49.68%Louise Hartnell - Peter Hartnell (104)0.12
5211.0 47.52%Jenny L Williams - Elizabeth Linderman (109) 
6209.4 47.16%Lee Lethbridge - Gwenda Brennan (107) 
7199.4 44.91%Catherine Beatty - Russell Parry (112) 
8196.2 44.19%Meredith Evans - Catherine Turner (106) 

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