Gold Coast Bridge Club

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Club Pairs Championship - Eva Berger / Eduardo Besprosvan
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Club Pairs Championship - Match 1Lol Garnett / Louise Garnett (22) 5 12.059
Club Pairs Championship - Match 2John Hiscocks / Lorraine Twyford (27) 22 16.94
Club Pairs Championship - Match 3Larraine De Nett / Heather Reid (11) 8 13.121
Club Pairs Championship - Match 4Neven Burica / Edward Hahn (9) -10 6.225
Club Pairs Championship wk 2 - Match 5Trish Anagnostou / Rita Kahn (10) -20 3.5413
Club Pairs Championship wk 2 - Match 6Dot Piddington / Trevor Fletcher (19) 10 13.7810
Club Pairs Championship wk 2 - Match 7Val Holbrook / Yvonne Kilvert (12) -6 7.5813
Club Pairs Championship wk 2 - Match 8Lynley Jenkins / Lindell Day (17) 20 16.468

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